
Firat Neziroglu = Euphrates

Think about a man who has a big smile on his face with full of life and energy..His creavity is just magical more than incredible.I met him long time ago,in 1st Black Sea Games 2007,he was taking his camera to everywhere and shooting shooting(just like the picture above) :)He took my attention immediately and of course i was there to  get this energy on me:)I should mention his lovely sister Burcin aswell who is one of our (Turkey's) rhythmic gymnast.She is a young  very talented girl.They are the cutest siblings ever i have met.

I was thinking to prepare a post about his art works much before and here we go!

He is from Izmir and i know that he can t live without his hometown.His textile collections were exhibited in Izmir, Istanbul,Munich,Rome,Manigos,Como, London and Paris so far. He won many most of the national and international competitions.I guess his interests in music,ballet and gymnastic ifluence him a lot.

 Sevgili Firat ile 1.Karadeniz oyunlarinda tanismistik.Etrafta surekli resim ceken muzur,ilginc kravatli bir adam dolaniyordu.Pek bir enerjikti,bulasici olsun bana da gecsin istedim.Ise yaradi tum oyunlar boyunca dinamik bomba gibiydim:)
Kendisi Izmir'li,yaratici,ilham alinasi bir kisilik pek de sempatik,guleryuzlu.Kizkardesi Burcin de ulkemizin guzel ritmik jimnastikci bayanlarindan..Firat el dokumasi sahane kumaslari ve yarattigi hersey cok buyuleyici.Emek ve sabir,istek ve inanc ile birlesince tadindan yenmez seyler ortaya cikiyor olmasi da tesaduf degil elbet.


just as water / His Sibling Burcin Neziroglu

As you see he is a weaver.The ancient art of handweaving  traces back to Neolithic times that is approximately 12,000 years ago. Weaving is one of the primary methods of textile production and it involves interlinking a set of vertical threads with a set of horizontal threads. The set of vertical threads are known as wrap and the set of horizontal threads are known as weft. Weaving can be done by hand or it can also be done by using machines.However,the most priceless's are the hand-made ones for sure.
 Hero Firat reminds me another version  of Edward Scissorhands( adore Tim Burton btw) .The film is an inventortelling the story of a young man named Edward with scissors for hands, the creation of an inventor.At this stage,Firat 's hands and the weaving table has a kind of same connection.Adorable and unbeliavable.

Dokumacilik sanatinin yasi tam olarak bilinmese de cok eskilere dayandigi malum..Hala ulkemizin bir cok yoresinde ehemmiyetini tasiyan bu sanati simdi ile butunlestiren Firat'i,Tim Burton'in Edward Scissorshand'i ni animsatiyor bana..Yaratici ve kendi halinde..



 Some Articles from Media

Euphrates Collection

Firat Nehri   / The Euphrates River  :)

Akıl Hastanesi

İşemek – İç Dökmek

Arkanı Dönmek – Küsmek

İç Dökmek – Arkanı Dönmek

Gerçek Yüzünü Gizlemek

Sevilmeyi İstemek – Sevmemek

Yan yana işemek


Yalnız olmak

Ayakta durmak….


I hope his energy brightens up everywhere he goes.I have to say he is such a lovely person,i asked his permission to publish some of his photos from his facebook account and he kept telling me i am more than welcome,which is very nice of him.

Good luck Firat..  

Akil hastanesi adli calismasinin altina Facebook sayfasinda  yazdiklarini aynen size aktariyorum, muzurluk yapip sizinle paylasmak istedim..
Bu sahsina munhasir sevgili kucuk adamin buyuk dunyasi bize de cok buyuk enerji versin,pozitiflik sarsin dort bir yanimizi:)


1 Response to "Firat Neziroglu = Euphrates"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    11 June 2010 at 2:40 pm

    ne dıyım yenı baktım ama muhtesemler keske canlı canlı ızleyebılseydık :((((( sevgılerımleee DİRAHŞAN

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